Integrating into group classes
An introduction to adapting yoga styles.
The principles can be woven into your current styles of Yoga whether its a softer, slow style, eg hatha, restorative, yin or to more fluid, dynamic styles such as vinyasa, or acroyoga.
There are a few examples of styles of yoga in this module, from recordings of the teacher training in Brighton, and recordings from some live online events.
Reflection & writing: you can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- Can you think of ways which you can weave EYP into your existing styles of practice and teaching?
Embodied Toolkit / EYP in Hatha yoga – Part I
Jane Dancey and Vidyadasa give some examples and suggestions of how to weave elements or inquiries into regular hatha yoga.
Reflection & writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- Can you think of examples you would like to explore?
- Why those postures?
- What would the aim or purpose be?
Embodied Toolkit / EYP in Hatha yoga – Part II
Mark and Vidyadasa give some ideas about exploring the principles into regular hatha yoga. Often we don’t do a debrief ‘process’ in regular yoga, however, it can be woven into some styles. Adding ‘life-links’ and recognizing patterns of ways of being and behaving, in our yoga practice.
Reflection & writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- Can you think of other examples you could do?
(Don’t worry if not, there will be more examples in this training to inspire you!)
Introduction to teaching Embodied Toolkit / EYP
Karin shares how her teaching has changed and added extra aspects since learning the practice, and the value of the community.
Reflection & writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- Has practicing Embodied Toolkit/ EYP started to expand your range of practice, and teaching? If not yet, can you imagine how practicing and teaching Embodied Toolkit/ EYP may change your practice?
Embodied Toolkit/ EYP Light – Hatha with Karin Van Maanen
Short session of hatha yoga infused with Embodied Toolkit/ EYP.
Reflection and writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- What was ETK/EYP within it?
- Can you think of ways you can integrate similar processes into your teaching?
- How did it differ from full ETK/ EYP?
Embodied Toolkit/ EYP – Hatha with Vidyadasa
Vidyadasa leads a short session of Hatha yoga with ETK/ EYP.
Reflection and writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- What was ETK/EYP about the session?
Introduction to integrating Embodied Toolkit / EYP into Vinyasa yoga.
Mayan gives short breakdown about his Vinyasa class – he explored the elements, familiarity and how we are in our everyday life.
Reflection and writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- What did you notice about Mayan’s class that was EYP influenced?
- Any learnings for your teaching?
Bonus Embodied Toolkit / EYP Vinyasa class
Reflection and writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- Which aspects were ETK/EYP?
Integrating Embodied Toolkit/ EYP with Restorative yoga.
Reflection & writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.
- which aspects included principles of ETK/EYP ?