Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Themed sessions

An introduction to the themed workshops

Vidyadasa gives short introduction to the creative possibilities of themes and the themes coming up in the following videos.

Ideas –> Ask yourself:

  • Are there themes you would like to explore in your teaching practice?
  • What existing skills and experience do you already have that you can bring into Embodied Toolkit/ EYP?

Themed workshops introduction

Exploring Yin and Yang

With Mark Walsh and Tess Howell. A workshop recording exploring themes of Yin and Yang.

Reflection / writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.

  • Can you think of ways in which you are more developed in Yin or Yang?
  • Which poses you can use to develop counterbalancing qualities, so you build a broader range of ways of being in the world.
  • Who may that benefit?

Mini-workshop – Yin + Yang

Embodied Toolkit/ EYP themed mini-workshop on money and finances.

Mark leads a process and practice in relation to these ever-present themes of everyday life as an example of how you can use Embodied Toolkit/ EYP.

Reflection and writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.

  • What did you notice about your relationship with money?
  • How could you explore this in your own practice and teaching?
  • Which poses can you practice to create change?

Mini-workshop – money + finances

Embodied Toolkit/ EYP workshop exploring pleasure.

Mini workshop after an assessment on the Brighton teacher training.

Reflection and writing: You can reflect or write notes as part of your process of reflection.

  • Are there any yoga poses that are particularly pleasurable for you?
  • Do you practice these regularly?
  • Do you teach these more or less than others?

Mini-workshop – pleasure